Friday, January 27, 2017

Ep. 13: The Last Jedi

This week were talking once again about Star Wars! This time were talking about the news of the new title The Last Jedi! What does it mean? Who gunna die? We also talk news in the other facets of entertainment. Was Marvel's big announcement worth all the hype? Is Mass Effect Andromeda going to actually be good? And does anyone care about a new X-men series.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Ep. 12 Its Morphin' Time

This week we discuss a slew of topics, from the new Logan trailer to the new Power Rangers trailer. We talk about the possible misteps of Nintendo and the Nintendo Switch, give you our thoughts on the Injustice 2 trailer, and test out our improvization skills with a new game called Improv Comic!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Ep. 11 They made eleven of these!!?!

This week Derrick and Nick discuss...Comics? Yeah! Were talking about comics. Marvel gets rid of their digital codes and Rob Leifeld, Mr. Extreme himself, wants to make a Blood Blood Extreme Knife movie? We also give you he rundown on the latest Xmen movie news plus the latest tv and video game news! SUPERNOVA!

Friday, January 6, 2017

Ep. 10: SadFleck Effect

"Jokers Harley's and Two faces, robbing places, worn out faces" Is The Batman doomed? This week we talk about the news of the possible demise of Ben Affleck's Batman film. We also look forward to 2017 and give you our picks for what were looking forward to in the coming year. Is everything doomed? What is there to look forward to? Fear not, we've got a couple suggestions.